Sunday, January 6, 2013

RGIII's Knee

My Facebook posts the hour before RGIII's removal from the game at 7:08pm:
  • 6:10pm - "RGIII is too hurt to run, and too hurt to set and throw :( We need to put in Kirk Cousins."
  • 6:25pm - "I'll believe RGIII is ok when he throws a pass more than 15 yards with accuracy."
  • 6:45pm - "Still waiting for an accurate pass. He's too hurt to play, and this is painful to watch."
  • 7:03pm - "I can't believe they've left RGIII in. I just can't believe it."
Shanahan's stupid decision not only cost the Skins the game, but he should be fined and suspended for leaving in a severely injured player.

Inexcusable that Mike Shanahan left him in.  Just inexcusable. 


  1. I agree with everything you say above, including the suspension of Shanahan. The coach has an obligation to protect all his players against serious injury. The franchise prioritizes short-term production for long-term safety. Watch, Shanahan and the Redskins's management will now blame RGIII for not taking himself out, and try to say they had the blessing of the good doctor on the sideline, who himself had obviously been told not to meddle.

  2. Yep, twas pretty stupid. With what they gave up for RGIII in terms of draft picks, they may have just ended his career in one playoff game. Very short sighted, but then, what do the Skins do that isn't short sighted?

  3. The news isn't getting better:
